Choosing a new smartphone can be tough as I’m finding out. Even before you can figure out exactly which model to get you need to decide which OS you want to run. Windows CE / Mobile / Phone or whatever they’re calling it this week has come a long way. iPhones have that shiny Apple logo on them that people get very excited about and there are tons of fun aps for it. Android is quite powerful, provides multitasking, and has an ever expanding app market as well. Palm WebOS is an interesting experiment in cloud computing. These are some of the bigger ones but they’re not the only choices by any means. has a 3-part series of articles comparing these phone operating systems to each other. Well, the site is Android-biased so they compare them all to Android, but they do a good job of presenting some of the pros and cons of each. They’re definitely worth a read if you’re trying to find your new favorite smartphone.

Choosing a Smartphone, Part 1: Android vs. Windows Phone 7
Choosing a Smartphone, Part 2: Android vs. Palm WebOS
Choosing a Smartphone, Part 3: Android vs. iPhone

Android vs Windows, iPhone and Palm.  Gosh.

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